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    Bypass Antivirus Detection for RATs and Viruses: Make Trojans Undetectable

    Bypass Antivirus Detection for RATs and Viruses: Make Trojans Undetectable

    In a previous article about RATS, I discussed PRORAT: Remote PC Access Software. We have previously discussed how antivirus software can detect RATs as hacking software/viruses, and that hackers need to use crypters to avoid antivirus detection for RATs. In this post, we will discuss crypters – hacking software for bypassing antivirus detection. I have provided a link for a software download.

    What is a crypter?

    As mentioned above, a crypter is a hacking program or application used to hide our viruses or RATs from antiviruses so that they are not detected and deleted. A crypter allows users to crypt the source code of their program. Generally, antiviruses work by splitting the source code of an application and then searching for a certain string within the code.
    If the antivirus detects a specific malicious string, it either stops the scan or deletes the file as a virus.

    What does a crypter do?

    Crypters assign hidden values to each individual code within the source code. Thus, the source code becomes hidden. This allows our crypted trojan and virus to bypass antivirus detection we successfully hack them them without any AV hindrance. Not only does this crypter hide source code, it will unpack the encryption once the program is executed.

    What is FUD?

    FUD is acronym for Fully UnDetectable. With increased use of crypters to bypass antiviruses, AV became more advanced and started including crypter definitions to detect crypter strings within code. So, the use of crypter to hide RATs became more complicate. These days, no publicly available crypter is FUD.
    If you crypt RATs with publicly available crypters, they are bound to be detected by antiviruses. Most public FUD crypters remain “FUD” for only a day or two after their public release. To obtain FUD crypters, you have to either search for them in hacking forums or make one yourself. Making one is somewhere tedious, I am currently working on one.

    How do I get a crypter?

    There are many crypters available on the web, but most of them are not FUD. As stated above, you either have to search for a FUD crypter or make one.
    In my next article, I will teach you how to use crypters to hide our trojans and bypass antivirus detections.

    How to Find IP Address of Computer:

    IP Finder service is provided by Syntaxmaster.info to discover IP Addresses. This IP Finder is the best solution to find an IP Address. Just follow the steps:
    1. Register at the Syntaxmaster site.
    2. After registering, login to your account and select “Software/Tools.”
    Find IP address
    3. Select “IP Stealer” and move on to next screen.
    4. You will be given a URL with the URL Redirection option. This URL Redirection option can be used to redirect the victim to the required site.

    What do you have to do?

    Simply send this URL to the victim and whenever he clicks on this link, his IP Address will be recorded at IP Finder, helping you to find IP Address.
    The IP finder service is the best method to find a victim’s IP Address. If you struggle with this, mention it in the comments.
    Enjoy IP Finder!
    What Are The Basics To Becoming A Hacker?
    It’s not uncommon to hear about people getting caught hacking computers illegally. For legality purposes, this article will not mention any real specifics about the subject. We encourage to become a professional hacker, legally.
    This article will, however, give a brief overview of criminal hackers, some of their methods, and a few things you can do to make your own computer safer from hack attacks. Here are the things you can do to protect yourself or to become an ethical hacker.
    1. Learn Computers
    It should go without saying that the first thing you need to do is learn computers. This means you need to STUDY. You need to get a good solid base of understanding through reading. Then, of course, there are the special aspects of computer study. People often learn tips in two places: a friend with access to a computer, and a variety of sites on the internet.
    2. Learn The Websites
    Special hacker websites, where hackers congregate, exist all over the internet. Some of these are known to be hacker chat rooms, hacker forum, and regular hacker sites.
    3. Learn The Secrets
    The websites are an invaluable source for new hackers looking the tricks of the trade. Spend lots of time exploring!
    Tools Hackers Need To Get Into Websites
    The tools that a hacker may use are often varied and constantly changing. One such tool that was used last year allowed a hacker to gain control of the computers of those who simply mistyped the word Google – when trying to get the popular search engine. This automatically directed them to a special website that would give them such malware items as Trojan downloaders, backdoors and spyware.
    Another tool would be the robot spider. These can be sent out and put on automatic and will look for ports of access into your computer. These spiders are running around all the time and some say that they may hit most computers that are online – up to 50 times a day.
    Other tools use email attachments. It is claimed that as much as 65% of all email is spam. And as much as 1 in about 30 emails contains a virus, or some form of malware. This is why having your own virus and spam protection is a must, as well as a good spyware remover. Someone is busy. Once someone has been hacking information on a computer they will often leave a Trojan file that will give them further access – often more than one file. Then they could use your computer to send out spam attacks – without you even knowing that it is taking place. Or, they could simply be hacking your personal information off of your computer. These are just a few of their tools.

    How Hackers Avoid Getting Caught?

    One of the first things that someone would learn about while studying hacking tutorials is how to cover their tracks. Some people are better at this than others. A young hacker is less likely to know all the little tricks that an expert hacker might know. Sometimes newer hackers try to show off and get careless about covering their tracks. This is why younger hackers are often caught.
    On the other hand, a more experienced hacker will rarely leave any tracks. They know how to use their victim’s computer as a launching place to get into another device – leaving a phony IP address.
    Luckily, computer programmers are getting better software and better hardware (like firewalls) that are consistently doing a better job – both in keeping hackers out, and in recording IP addresses for tracking purposes.
    There will always be hackers, and some will always end up in prison. Legislation has taken a turn against hackers. Today, some hacking crimes are equal to terrorism. Kevin Mitnick, a well-known hacker, was accused by federal prosecutors of causing $291 million in damages to corporate computers. In remains in prison to this day because of the severity of the crime.
    Ethical hacking tutorials are designed to show you the basics of hacking so that you can use it to protect yourself or to help corporations. Sometimes people still go down the wrong path. It’s important to remember, as you browse HackingLoops, that hacking someone’s computer without their knowledge is still a crime.

    One of the most frequently asked questions by the internet users is How To Hide An IP Address? It often becomes necessary to hide a real IP address for the sake of privacy. I have tried many softwares and proxy servers guaranteed to hide my IP address, but ultimately they all failed. Are you fed up with these dummy softwares that fail to hide the real IP address? Then keep reading!
    The only solution to hide your IP address is by using a Proxy Server. Before setting up a connection to a proxy server, there is some information you must know:
    1. Transparent Proxy Server This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server and also makes the original IP address available through the http headers. These are generally used to speedup the web browsing since they have the ability to cache websites. But they do not conceal the IP of their users. It is widely known as transparent proxy because it will expose your real IP address to the web. This type of proxy server does not hide your IP address.
    2. Anonymous Proxy Server This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but does not make the original IP address available. This type of server is detectable, but provides reasonable anonymity for most users. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
    3. Distorting Proxy Server This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but make an incorrect original IP address available through the http headers. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
    4. High Anonymity Proxy Server (Elite Proxy) This type of proxy server does not identify itself as a proxy server and does not make the original IP address available. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address. This is the best way to mask your IP.
    Which Proxy Server is the best to Hide My IP Address?
    I know, you can answer this question better than me. Obviously High Anonymity Proxy or Elite Proxy are the best options for hiding your IP address, but it’s not easy to get a list of working elite proxies. A Google search will provide you a list, using the following format:
    IP:Port Number Eg: ( is the IP of the proxy server and 8080 is the port number)
    But most of these won’t work. Here are some of the problems/risks associated with using free proxies available on the internet.
    • Most of them do not work since the proxy servers frequently change their IP/Port number.
    • Even if you find a working proxy server, it may be too slow.
    • Your privacy is not guaranteed since all your traffic is routed through the proxy server.
    • The administrators of the proxy servers may steal your valuable information such as passwords, SSN (Social security number), credit card details etc.
    So with all of these risks, how do we find a working, fast, highly anonymous and secured proxy server?
    I will provide a list of software options that will successfully mask your IP address. I have only discovered a few that work perfectly. I’m listing them in order of popularity:
    1. Hide The IP
    It let’s you choose the country, type, and speed of the proxy. Not so popular but personally I recommend this to users.
    2. Hide My IP
    3. Hide IP NG
    You can get more information about these products on their respective homepages.
    How to ensure that the IP is hidden?
    Before you hide your IP, you can check your real IP by visiting the following site.
    Once you get your real IP, turn on your IP hiding software. Check your IP address again by visiting the same site. If you see a new IP, then your software is doing its job. The above site (Whatismyipaddress.com) is also capable of detecting many proxies. If you see a message like “Suspected proxy server or network sharing device” or something similar, then the proxy you are using is not an Elite Proxy.
    One more thing before you leave! Even though Elite proxies are almost undetectable, this doesn’t mean that you can escape from online crimes by hiding your IP. There are many proxy detecting services available that are quite effective. If you involve yourself in any cyber crimes, you will definitely find yourself behind the bars. Using a proxy will not help you in this case.
    One more thing, it is unsafe to use a proxy server during e-commerce transactions such as online banking or online credit card payments. Please avoid proxies during these circumstances.

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